Tuesday, 20 November 2012


I am so truly proud of my man, he competed in the Australian Championship for Hyundai Mechanics and came 2nd! Thats 2nd in AUSTRALIA - Im having one of those proud other half moments!!! 

1st place got to go to Korea to compete to be the top in the world, I have no doubt that my man will be there in the next few years doing the same thing. He was the youngest competing by about 10 years and only missed out on 1st by a few points! :)

Love you babe xo

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

DIY: Wedding Wands

We have chosen a ceremony location that doesn't allow rose petals, rice, confetti and the likes but I realised that I don't want to walk back down the isle to nothing after becoming a Mrs so I went on the hunt, my trusty friends Pinterest & Etsy seem to of solved my problem..... the Wedding Wand! 

I was going to buy some but I figured I could make them for less, this has been a trend with our wedding planning and it seems between my mother and myself most things will be hand made by us on our wedding day, I kind of like it like that, it means that we have had our personal touch on most things our guests will experience!

I went for a trip to Spotlight - I am banning myself from going there on my own from now on, there was just so much fun stuff that might just work for our wedding so I just had to buy it! After almost 2 hours I finally had everything I needed:

Ribbon, lace, sticks, twine and most importantly bells. My Oma told me that in Germany you had to get married in the late morning e.g 10 or 11am because you want the church bells to ring as many times as possible for good luck. As we are having a beach wedding I figured that if we give most of our guests bells they can all have the chance to ring them and wish us their own luck! 

After about 4 hours and a few burnt fingers thanks to my hot glue gun they are finished.... check it out:

What you need to get started: 

Cut all of your ribbons to desired lengths - mine varied between 28 and 34 cm long

I knotted all ribbon and lace to the stick with a blob of hot glue to make sure it would stick. Also don't forget to leave a little bit of ribbon long enough to tie a bell onto 

Attaching the bells once the glue is dry seemed to be the easiest option to save my fingers from more blisters! 


They look even better in real life and a nice personal touch! 

Now to come up with a saying to go with them so people know when to wave their wands and ring their bells.... any ideas?!

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Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Clearing the clutter

I hate culling. Weather it be clothes, shoes, kitchen appliances or the dreaded wedding list cull. My problem is that I horde first making culling a generally lengthy process. I'm not a hoarder in the sense of those shows where people have to live in their yard because their house is so full of junk, more of the 'I wore that top once, 3 years ago and I like it but it doesn't fit in with my the rest of my clothes right now' type of hoarder. Or the type were I think something just might come back into fashion so Ill hold onto it just in case type of hoarder. I can remember being little and my mum bringing out some of the clothes she had when she was a teenager, I was mortified to know that she had thrown away soooo many cool items I wish I was able to get my hands on. I think this is where it started. Oh and don't get me started on the sentimental hoarding!

I'm also starting to realise that my lover is a slight hoarder, yesterday when I mentioned to him that we were going through our apartment and throwing out all the clutter he was fine.... Until I mentioned specific items like the stuffed monkey he won me at the Easter show and the pots and pans (weird as he doesn't really cook). There was a huff and a pout, it as cute but it was then that I realised this might be easier on my own. So today I started, I was ruthless - throwing out things that I haven't used in years but have held onto just in case... a lot of these items have survived about 10 culls in their life.  The reason for the cull steamed from writing the guest list for our wedding.... Now that's a hard job. At first and with the first list we wrote it was easy, but as the weeks go on people keep popping up and getting added to the list until it grows beyond what you ever imagined! I originally wanted only 30 people at the wedding, that soon increased to 60 and at this point the list is somewhere around 85. It needs to get down to 70 TOPS! Now you might wonder what this has to do with a clean out.... well firstly I'm hoping a clean and organised life without clutter will help my stress levels and help me see clearer (here is hoping) and the second is procrastinating.... just like I am doing now, blogging instead of culling! ha

I've now wasted to much time and have to go to work, I guess ill continue the cull tomorrow while I spend the rest of the day mentally going over the wedding list and applying our new selection process: They have to have met both of us and spent time with both of us and has to of been frequently in the last year..... lets hope this works or we might just need to find a new reception location!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Will you be my maid?

I have this beautiful friend, we have been known each other since we were in kindergarten at school - we weren't friend though until we were in year 3, she didn't like be before then. She had a birthday party and invited EVERYONE except me then all of a sudden we were joined at the hip. Because we were inseparable my parents unofficially adopted her as their second daughter and she has been a very important part of my life ever since!

After I got engaged I already knew that she would be my maid of honour (MOH), I couldn't imagine anyone else standing by my side and holding my hand, stopping my make up from running when I cry, helping me pick my dress and dance the night away, stop me from being a bridezilla (well as much as possible) and hold my dress while I pee ;) I then had the hard choice of choosing a bridesmaid.... There were the obvious choices but that close friend lived to far away - as in another country, there were other choices of close friends I have around me but I just couldn't decide so it dawned on me - Ill just have one! After I decided I checked that the soon to be hubby would be fine with just having 1 groomsman and he was totally fine with it. So there we had it, I was going to ask her.... But how!?

I didn't want to just call her and ask (she lives about 3 hrs away) I wanted something special, for those who might not know me that well I like to create memories, like to do things 100% - not by half's at all! So I went to my trusty friend Pinterest and got to searching and pinning. I found this amazing idea of making a bridesmaid box with all of the details that she might need to know about our plans. Have a look at what I created!

I purchased a box, painted it and made a monogram

Painted a little sign, filled it with little goodies: Pics of dresses I'd like her in, paint chips of colours that I think could work for her dress to match our theme, A heart shaped charm that she can wear and look at and remember the moment by and finally details details details.... 

Then this is what happened when I gave her the box at our engagement party.... there were tears!

It was beautiful and something I hope we will both remember for a very long time!

So as the days go on and get closer to our big day I am relying on her more and more and she is being a fantastic MOH, I just hope she continues to put up with me in not only the coming months leading up to the wedding but in the coming years where both of our lives will continue to grow and change. She means the world to me and I couldn't imagine my life without her!!!

If you want to follow me on Pinterest click on the link below and you can see some of my inspiration and plans for our wedding:

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Tuesday, 16 October 2012

He asked... She said YES!

The day started with clouds outside, I didn't really want to go for a walk incase the rain came but Lawson was determine. He got ready and we embarked on our day out, we planned to walking up to Barrenjoey Lighthouse on the headland at Palm Beach. 

It was a steep walk up the headland, but we made it after a lot of  huffing and puffing. We had a look at the light house and tried to spot some whales. We were feeling adventurous so we decided to head out through the bush and to the point of the first lighthouse which was out on a lookout. When we arrived we took some pictures and took the time to take in the amazing view and feel relaxed. We were having fun and playing around when he cuddled me from behind and told me how much he loved me. He then spun around and dug deep in his pocket before getting down on one knee, producing a breathtaking ring and asking me to marry him. Of course I said YES!

The rest is a little bit of a blur, we were both so happy and excited. We celebrated with fish and chips - a recommendation from my Nanna followed by dinner at Barbuto with some friends and lots of bubbles! 

It was the happiest day of my life, I am so truly blessed to be able to spend the rest of my life with my sole mate. 

Monday, 9 July 2012

Raw Zucchini Salad

I just made the most fantastic salad so decided to share this with you.... I had it for lunch with miso soup but this would be great in summer to have with a BBQ!!

I started with:

1 Zucchini
10 Asparagus spears
1T Persian Feta (Or if you are a cheese lover add as much as you like!)
10 Mint Leaves & small amount of parsley chopped
15 Hazelnuts - roughly chopped
1/3 Lemon Juice
1/3 Avocado diced 
Small drizzle of EVO 

Use a peeler to make ribbons of zucchini, blanch asparagus and throw all together. 

Ta da!!! 

So simple but SOOO delicious! 

Im now off to make some beetroot chips so Ill let you know how it goes! 

And yes... if you are wondering I will get around to writing about the rest of my holiday..... One day ;)